The Age of Discontentedness


The Age of Discontentedness

21 May 2017

Tags: benevolence   wisdom  

In the age of discontentedness, when we are advised on all hands, on all levels, in all directions how to 'manage' our emotions and by extension the emotions of others I have been helped and directed by kind folk. People never know what they trigger in others when they forward something that peeked their interest.

I have a sister who has a serious mental health condition. I left my home town (or that which I call my hometown) to return to my birth state. My sister was having surgery to fix a physical condition that caused her great distress for over 40 years. It all seemed like the best course of action, and from a physical point of view it was but ... she completely deconstructed after surgery. It took about one week for the disintegration to become obvious. I went over to help her out as she does not have a significant other to call on, and all her friends had other life issues to deal with including ailing aged parents, vacations, new lovers, surgical procedures of their own. She needed me at a physical, emotional and psychic level. I have always been able to present the face of reason, and things in a way where she seeks to find her rational self and call on her own inner hugeness.

"By strengthening social ties, a society becomes healthier as well. It is part of the “solution for us to increase wellness rates and help address drivers of addiction and other illnesses.”


“One thing I wish that I had also done is that I more proactively reached out to others who are experiencing stress,” Murthy said. “There were people who saw my stress — they didn’t reach out to me because they didn’t want to make me uncomfortable and they didn’t want to invade my privacy. Privacy is important, but we all have the ability to be that source of relief, to be that source of therapeutic potential to people around us.”


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